Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sunrise and optomism

In my younger days I was a milkman. Yes, glass bottles delivered before dawn. I saw many, many, sunrises and feel there is something special about them more so than a sunset. First off, everyone usually sees the sunsets but few see the sunrises. Instead of light fading to dark, darkness gives way to light which, to me, brings an optomism with the start of the new day that just isn't there with sunsets. Having just gotten my camera the day before I was treated to one of mother natures fireworks shows the very next morning. I of course, had my camera with me. I just wish I had a better understanding of the controls. I was driving into the east and decided to jump off the highway before I completely lost the lightshow going on as I drove. If you can believe it, 10 minutes before this it was 10 times more spectacular with more vivid pinks and blues. It looked like alternating ribbons of illuminated cotton candy accross the sky. I was lucky enough to snap this.
I started travelling to work with my point and shoot cheapo camera over a year ago, but whenever I saw a sky like this, it would automatically adjust the exposure and bleach out any kind of meaningful effect. I just gave up trying to capture the image. Given my fascination with clouds and art I hope to capture more like this and eventually try to paint it on a canvas. I doubt I could ever duplicate this kind of shear beauty, but it will be fun to try. 

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