Sunday, March 24, 2013

Another trip to Bridgehampton

Decided to go back to Bridgehampton again and try 1 more time lapse. This will do it for a while now until it gets warmer and some humidity and clouds to make it more interesting. Here is the result.
I left the beach and spied an Egret in the marsh stalking it's breakfast. By the time I stopped the truck and got out with the camera it was gone. Bummer! So I decided to head back to the Sagg Swamp Preserve again and on the way what do I see but a Red Fox. You don't see many of these on Long Island I snapped these from inside the truck at a stop sign. I'm sure there was a little heat distortion going on from the open window.
He was real skeptical of me and kept watching me as he made his way closer to the woods. I made it to the preserve hoping to see the Great Blue Heron I saw there during the week.

It wasn't there, but I did manage to scare off some ducks and miss a pic (again) of deer crossing the road. I walked the preserve and checked again for some ducks or whatever may be there and snuck up on this guy.
From what I can gather this is a Red Breasted Merganser.

I really love the beauty of the Hampton's and the diversity of its wildlife. I hope these people that are flocking out there don't destroy the charm and quaintness of the area with over development and overpopulation. I watched it happen in western Suffolk County and hope that doesn't happen here.

And now, a moment of Zen.

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